Left Libertarian Authoritarian Right
The philosophy of The Left is based on the principle of Change The philosophy of Liberty is based on the principle of Self-ownership The philosophy of Authority is based on the principle of Guardianship The philosophy of The Right is based on the principle of Tradition
You are the victim You own your life You don't know better You are the hero
To deny this is to claim that some people have treated your people unfairly in the past To deny this is to imply that another person has a higher claim on your life than you do To deny this is to claim that some people are not qualified to make decisions but others are To deny this is to imply that another person has a higher claim on morality than you do
No other person, or group of persons owns your reparations No other person, or group of persons owns your life Other people abandon their obligations, but you don't Other people abandon their obligations, but you're the hero
nor do you own the reparations of others nor do you own the lives of others nor are they capable of leading others nor are they capable of protecting others
You exist in time:
Future Present Past
You exist in time:
Future Present Past
You exist in time:
Future Present Past
You exist in time:
Future Present Past
This is manifest in...
Reparations Equality Oppression
This is manifest in...
Life Liberty And the product of your life and liberty
This is manifest in...
Life Duty And the product of your life and duty
This is manifest in...
Victory Hierarchy Reputation
To lose your reparations
is to lose your future
To lose your life
is to lose your future
To lose your life
is to lose your future
To lose your victory
is to lose your future
To lose your equality
is to lose your present
To lose your liberty
is to lose your present
To lose your duty
is to lose your present
To lose your hierarchy
is to lose your present
And to lose the oppression is to lose that portion of your past that produced it And to lose the product of your life and liberty is to lose that portion of your past that produced it And to lose the product of your life and duty is to lose that portion of your past that produced it And to lose your reputation is to lose that portion of your past that produced it
A product of your Reparations
and your Equality
is your Victim status
A product of your Life
and your Liberty
is your Property
A product of your Life
and your Duty
is your Legacy
A product of your Victory
and your Hierarchy
is your Heritage
Victim status
is the fruit of your labour
the product of your

and Talents
is the fruit of your labour
the product of your

and Talents
is the fruit of your labour
the product of your

and Talents
is the fruit of your people's labour
the product of your

and Talents
Victim status
is that part of
which others can turn to valuable use
is that part of
which you can turn to valuable use
is that part of
which you can turn to valuable use
is that part of
which you can turn to valuable use
Victim status
is a recognition of society's debt to you for what others did to your ancestors
is the property of others that is tiven to you by voluntary exchange and mutual consent
is your contribution to society in fulfillment of your duty as caretaker of society
is your contribution to your people's lineage and your duty as the caretaker of evolution
Two people who exchange Victim status are unequal and one is stealing the fruits of the someone else's reparations Two people who exchange Property voluntarily are both better off or they wouldn't do it Two people who exchange Legacy pass on a torch that lights the path forward in a world full of darkness Two people who exchange Heritage are passing the torch in the great chain of evolution
The higher victim status must make that decision for them Only they may rightfully make that decision for themselves The rest of mankind are not capable of making quality decisions for themselves Only they may rightfully make that decision for themselves
At times some people use
Force or Fraud
that undermines equality, threatening the future of society
At times some people use
Force or Fraud
to take from others without voluntary consent
At times some people use
Force or Fraud
that undermines the rule of law, threatening the future of society
At times some people use
Force or Fraud
to take from others without voluntary consent
The initiation of
Force or Fraud
To take reparations is theft
To take equality is slavery
To take oppression is genocide
The initiation of
Force or Fraud
To take life is murder
To take liberty is slavery
To take property is theft
The initiation of
Force or Fraud
To take life is murder
To take duty is anarchy
To take legacy is conquest
The initiation of
Force or Fraud
To take victory is theft
To take hierarchy is slavery
To take heritage is genocide
It is not the same when these actions are done
by minorities or acting alone,
or the majority against minorities,
and whether their symbols are deemed offensive
It is the same when these actions are done
by one person,
by the many acting against the few,
or even by officials with fine hats
It is the same when these actions are done
by one person acting alone,
by the many acting against the few,
or even by officials with fine hats
It is the same when these actions are done
by one person acting alone,
by the many against the few,
aor even by officials with fine hats
You have the responsibility to protect your own reparations, equality and aquired victim statuses
from the forceful aggression of others
You have the right to protect your own life, liberty and justly aquired property
from the forceful aggression of others
You have the responsibility to protect your own life, duty and justly aquired legacy
from the forceful aggression of others
You have the right to protect your own victory, hierarchy and aquired heritage
from the forceful aggression of others
And you may ask others to defend you And you may ask others to defend you And you may ask others to defend you And you may ask others to defend you
But you do not have the right to initiate force against the reparations, equality and victim statuses of others But you do not have the right to initiate force against the life, liberty and property of others But you do not have the right to initiate force against the life, duty and legacy of others And you have the right to initiate force against the victory, hierarchy and reputation of others
But you have the right to designate some person to initiate force against others on your behalf Thus, you have no right to designate some person to initiate force against others on your behalf except for when others violate the rule of law, then you may ask your leaders to enforce the law And you also have the right to designate some person to initiate force on others on your behalf
You have the right to seek leaders for yourself
and also the right to impose leaders onto others
You have the right to seek leaders for yourself
but you have no right to impose leaders onto others
You have the right to seek leaders for yourself
and those leaders must protect you from the lawless
You have the right to seek leaders for yourself
but you have no right to impose leaders onto others
No matter how officials are selected No matter how officials are selected Leaders are selected in various ways Leaders must protect society from conspiracies
they are only human beings and they can be removed by force once they no longer serve your agenda they are only human beings and they have no rights or claims that are higher than those of any other human being Some methods of choosing leaders are better than others, and sometimes the lawless ones sneak in and take over but they are only human beings and they cannot do it alone, therefore you must also step up and defend your heritage from invaders
Leaders must protect you from opponents Regardless of the imaginative labels Leaders must protect society from conspiracies Regardless of the imaginative labels
You must ambush and outnumber your opponents ... or the number of people encouraging them, The need of the many outweigh the needs of the few ... or the number of people encouraging them
Leaders must often
officials have no right to
leaders must sometimes
change laws
leaders have no right to
You must give leaders special powers to protect you from those who are stronger You cannot give them any rights that you do not have yourself You must give leaders special powers to protect you from the lawless ones You cannot give them any powers that you do not have yourself
Since you are a victim you are responsible for claiming reparations Since you own your life you are responsible for your life Since you don't know better your leaders are responsible for you Since you are a hero you are responsible for everyone else
You do not rent your reparations from those who demand the rule of law You do not rent your life from others who demand your obedience You must obey those who know better, and the worthy inherit their legacy You do not rent your rights from those who demand your obedience
Nor are you a slave to others who demand you give back to their society Nor are you a slave to others who demand your sacrifice You must learn duty from your leaders before you can serve and protect society Nor are you a slave to others who demand your sacrifice
You choose your goals based on taught values You choose your goals based on your own values You choose your goals based on taught values You choose your goals based on your own values
Your action on behalf of others or their action on behalf of you is virtuous only when it is derived from reparations, equality and victim statuses Your action on behalf of others or their action on behalf of you is virtuous only when it is derived from voluntary mutual consent Your action on behalf of others or their action on behalf of oyu is virtuous only when it is supported by true professional leaders Your action on behalf of others or their action on behalf of you is virtuous only when it is derived from true moral principles
For virtue exists only when there is
For virtue exists only when there is
Free choice
For virtue exists only when there is
For virtue exists when values are
Tested under pressure
This is the basis of a truly happy society
It is not only the most
practical and humanitarian foundation for human action, it is also the most tolerant
This is the basis of a truly free society
It is not only the most
practical and humanitarian foundation for human action, it is also the most ethical
This is the basis of a truly balanced society
It is not only the most
practical and humanitarian foundation for human action, it is also the most ethical
This is the basis of a truly valid society
It is not only the most
practical and fair foundation for human action, it is also the most ethical
Problems in the world that arise from the initiation of force by the oppressors have a solution Problems in the world that arise from the intitiation of force by government Problems in the world that arise from the intitiation of force by lawless ones Problems in the world that arise from the intitiation of force by invaders
The solution
is for the people of the earth to
FORCE their leaders to initiate force on their behalf
The solution
is for the people of the earth to
STOP asking government officials to initiate force on their behalf
The solution
is for the people of the earth to
TRUST their leaders to initiate force on their behalf
The solution
is for the people of the earth to
STOP asking leaders and initiate force themselves
Evil does not arise only from evil people but also the racist people who tolerate the initiation of force by the historical oppressors Evil does not arise only from evil people but also the good people who tolerate the initiation of force as a means to their own ends Evil does not arise only from evil people but also the apathetic people who tolerate the lawless ones out of cowardice and convenience Evil does not arise only from evil people but also the hypocrites who tolerate the initiation of force by invaders
In this manner, racist people have empowered evil people throughout history In this manner, good people have empowered evil people throughout history In this manner, good people have empowered evil people throughout history In this manner, traitors have empowered evil people throughout history
Having confidence in a happy society is to focus on the process of discovery in the marketplace of virtue signalling Having confidence in a free society is to focus on the process of discovery in the marketplace of values having confidence in a balanced society is to focus on the process of discovery in the marketplace of values Having confidence in a valid society is the focus on the process of discovery in the marketplace of values
rather than focus on your own shortcomings rather than focus on some imposed vision or goal rather than eternally rely on some leader to tell you the way rather than focus on leeching off someonee else's
Not using government force to impose equality on others
is intellectual sloth
and typically results in unintended, perverse consequences
Using government force to impose a vision on others
is intellectual sloth
and typically results in unintended, perverse consequences
Ignoring your duties and the rule of law to pursue a self serving agenda
is intellectual sloth
and typically results in unintended, perverse consequences
Ignoring your problems and burying your head in the sand
is intellectual sloth
and typically results in unintended, perverse consequences
Achieving a happy society requires imagination
To feel
To talk
To act
Achieving a free society requires courage
To think
To talk
To act
Achieving a balanced society requires responsibility
To think
To talk
To act
Achieving a valid society requires heroism
To think
To talk
To act
Especially when it's easier to do something... Especially when it's easier to do nothing... Especially when it's easier to do nothing... Especially when it's easier to do nothing...